======================== Advance Object =====================
// obj push on new var obj2
// using Object.assign to change value for alone
======================== Function=====================
//function is a metchine language. it works in 3 ways
//1. Input 2. Output 3.processing
// in the programming language function called {code block}
// to make a sumation and sub with function
// invoking a function, with for loop.
// arguments pass and return sum and sub
// i have 3 arr, i need 3 arr sumation one by one
// i have 3 arr i need to make 3 sumation with a function inside for loop
// show arguments with function arguments
// show arguments with a function by inside a loop
// function arguments[i] sumation
// function sumation of arguments store a variable
// store person name,email store in a variable ` Example
Note after return declare any command can not effective`
// function expressions like var a = function(){}
// setTimeOut()
// inner function like goor morning rashedul [ greet,name]